Fall River is featured on the TV series “Explore New England”.
Recreation / Outdoors
Get outside and enjoy a winter hike on these trails around Greater Fall River
Start your New Year off in nature by exploring all of the trails that Greater Fall River has to offer!
Exploring Fall River’s Historic Olmsted Parks
Fall River is a city defined by its rich history. In the 1800s, Fall River benefited from the boom of the textile industry. The community prospered as the local mill owners and entrepreneurs grew more and more wealthy. In this time, Fall River blossomed from a cluster...
5 easy places to start exploring Fall River’s Bioreserve, and how to get guided tours
The Southeastern Massachusetts Bioreserve is an enormous area with miles of trails for everything from walking, hiking, mountain biking, snowshoeing, even dog-sledding. But where do you start if you’re still a beginner?
Exploring Fall River Bioreserve’s new 20-mile Loop Trail—Twice!
Read this great article from the Southeastern Massachusetts Chapter of the Appalacian Mountain Club and learn more about the wonders of the Bioreserve!
Hiking the ‘other’ Fall River: City opens 20-mile trail through protected watershed
Do you know the “other” Fall River? Learn more about one of our City’s greatest resources!