Viva Fall River

Trolley Stops #8 + #9

Portugalia Marketplace & Purchase St. Dining District


A Melting Pot of Cultures and Cuisines

Fall River features a captivating fusion of culinary traditions, shaped by its diverse populace and rich cultural heritage. The city is best known for its Portuguese cuisine, with the epicenter being the renowned Portugalia Marketplace, a cultural treasure trove celebrating Portuguese cuisine and heritage. Here, patrons can immerse themselves in the rich flavors and traditions of Portugal through an extensive selection of authentic ingredients, prepared foods, and artisanal products. A half of a mile down Bedford Street, you will find yourself in another culinary enclave, the Purchase Street Dining District. With an eclectic array of restaurants, cafes, and specialty food offerings, it offers a diverse culinary experience for locals and visitors alike.

Portugalia Marketplace

Portugalia Marketplace offers a vibrant cultural experience, brimming with authentic Portuguese flavors and traditions. This expansive 20,000-square-foot emporium reigns as the premier purveyor of Portuguese specialty foods and domestic essentials across the United States. Boasting a repertoire of over 1300 distinct Portuguese wines and spirits, a quaint café presenting authentic Portuguese pastries, a gourmet counter showcasing prepared delicacies, and a spacious, climate-controlled chamber dedicated to salt cod, patrons are invited to fully indulge in the essence of Portuguese heritage.

Beyond its gastronomic treasures, Portugalia Marketplace is also home to Artigos, an enclave of Portuguese design excellence offering a multifaceted array of products tailored for those seeking to infuse their living spaces with a dash of Portuguese flair.

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