Viva Fall River

Opinion: Fall River has much to offer visitors; let’s start planning and promoting

Jan 6, 2022 | Small Business

A recent Herald News article, “Fall River attractions foresee more visitors in ‘22,” focused on three of Fall River’s attractions: Battleship Cove, Lizzie Borden House and Al Macs diner. My family visited the Battleship when the kids were younger and we drop in to Al Macs several times per year.  I have not visited the Lizzie Borden House, as it’s a bit too macabre for me.

There are more city attractions. Among them are The Historical Society, the Narrows Center for the Arts, the Children’s Museum and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, to name a few.

I have always been a proponent of making Fall River a destination, or at least a stop along the way to a destination. Fall River is not quite there, in my opinion, although there seems to be some movement in the right direction.

Our city needs to find ways to bring outside money into the city. There need to be multiple things to make out-of-town visitors (families?) want to come here and spend a night or two.

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